Technology Trends and Innovation in Healthcare | RCxRules Blog

You've Probably Already Used AI a Few Times Today

Written by Lindsey McCabe | May 15, 2018 7:34:00 PM

When we think about Artificial Intelligence (AI) there’s a lot of hype and excitement. We often hear the questions, “How will AI affect us?” “How will it affect our jobs?” “Are we ready for it?” The monumental promise and arresting future AI holds is quite compelling, so much so, that it can often overshadow the already very real and practical uses of AI we benefit from every day. In fact, instead of us asking “What will we do when AI gets here?” the question we should be asking is “AI, what would I do without you!”

Don’t believe me?  Chances are by the time you start to read this post, you have already benefited from one of the most powerful and ubiquitous uses of AI technologies that exist today. And that’s the spell check feature that appears on your word programs, social/email platforms, text applications, etc.  

In much the same way that spell check ensures correct grammar and proper spelling, RCxRules Automated Charge Review Technology utilizes AI to ensure Charge data is accurate, properly coded, and ready to be paid.

Both AI technologies utilize algorithms that use decision making logic to emulate intelligent human behavior. Spell check reviews your writing for spelling/grammatical accuracy and consistency. While the Automated Charge Review Technology reviews coding data to ensure pre-claim accuracy and consistency.

Both technologies use an extraordinary amount of rule-based logic to autocorrect errors in real-time or notify in real-time when errors are detected. With the ability to automate edits and process a lot of data at once, both technologies save us an incredible amount of time from not having to re-review and manually correct errors. In addition to saving time, they also save us from the embarrassment of sending inaccurate Claims or communications containing errors!

These technologies make our lives better and our jobs/organizations stronger, whether it be in billing or everyday communications. With fewer errors and stronger consistency, there’s less confusion and less error. And while it’s true we’re smart enough to survive without them, the fact of the matter is, why would we? Without them we’re putting ourselves at greater risk for error, requiring more time, energy, and resources to ensure the same seamless/smooth process. And one mistake or countless small mistakes could lead to detrimental outcomes. Just like with spell check, RCxRules leverages AI to allow you, and your organization, to perform at your best.

So back to the original AI question, which one are you asking? If you’re not asking “AI, what would I do without you now?” turn off spell check for a week, then let’s talk.

Interested in learning more about our Automated Charge Technology? Let’s setup an overview.